I wanted to bring bold, rich colors in a world full of white, tan & gray furniture. Colors make me happy!
- Sucheta Wilken-Owner
Discover Glossy Glamorous Furniture - About Me
I’m Sucheta. The owner of The Resplendent Crow. I started this company in my garage. I realized I was onto something when a client in Casper, Wyoming purchased a glossy gray dresser from me and I had to look up Casper, Wyoming on the map.
From my garage, I eventually moved into a 20,000 sqft shop with several guys working for me, including my (new) husband.
The bug of entrepreneurship is a genetic condition in my case and there’s no cure. It runs in the family. They say that a paycheck is one of the biggest addictions to overcome. I somehow managed to overcome mine in late 2016.
I was a divorced immigrant woman with absolutely no family in the USA, my only fall back plan was my ex-husband. He said, "If you lose everything in this endeavor, I will (temporarily) house you in my basement and make sure you don’t end up homeless."
That was very kind of him, but it also became the biggest
fear of mine. Ending up as an unwanted guest in my ex-husband's basement was my idea of abject failure. I was never going to let that happen. It motivated me to work 80-hour weeks for years. From 2016-2020 I didn't take a single weekend off. I was NOT going to end up being a burden on anyone. Ever!
Fast forward to 2019 I met my husband Eric on Match. He is a cabinetmaker by trade. What are the odds that a furniture seller meets a cabinet maker? I joke that it was an "arranged marriage!" It wasn't! I sometimes wonder if I could be a spokesperson for Match.
Eric used to make cabinets for private jets. He is a master cabinetmaker with 20+ years of experience and a great eye for detail. He also has multiple business adventures and failures under his belt.
As a result he is the realist, I am the eternal optimist.
If you think entrepreneurs are fearless people, then it’s far from the truth. We are scared, but we do what we do anyway. And I know you don’t come here for life advice, but I highly recommend if you are thinking or dreaming of doing something then JUST DO IT! You have one life, go after what you want!
Cut the parachute and take a leap.
Meet Eric & Sucheta
The Realist & the Optimist
Most traditional couples raise kids. We both have kids from our previous marriages so being able to build something together as a couple has been a dream come true for us!